Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Last Days in Brasov

Since last Thursday I have been up and down emotionally. I thought I would have a hard time on Sunday when I taught, being that I started the church and now was saying goodbye, but it wasn't too bad though I did have a few "moments".

I had a real special time on Friday with the students at the study as we said our goodbyes. On Sunday I shared some of the things God has taught me while being on the mission field in Romania. I focused mostly on fear and dealing with it, on brokenness, humility and meekness and on love.

One major bummer was my laptop fell down at church and probably broke the bulb that lights the screen. I called today here in Boise and they said if it is broke it will cost around $300 for the labor and parts. But thankfully that was the only problem- could have been worse.

Rick took over my apartment Sunday when I left and I got my clothes, computer stuff and bathroom stuff down to Bucharest. Jamie was kind enough to come up from Bucharest and get the stuff on Friday.

One chapter in my life has closed and now a new chapter has begun. The adventure continues.

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