Saturday, March 17, 2007

Preaching in Brasov

I'll be leaving by train later today to go Brasov as tomorrow I will be preaching at the Calvary Chapel there. Keala is in England with his family and his parents, who have been visiting, to watch his son Jonah play in a rugby tournament. I am sure they will have a great time.

It will be fun to see everyone and to share a little on what I have been learning about idolatry as that is what the Lord seems to have put on my heart for tomorrow. It all started last July when I was teaching in Luke 4 about the three temptations Jesus went through in the desert from Satan. At the time it struck me that at the core of the temptations what Satan was trying to do was get Jesus to doubt the Father's goodness and provision and take things into his own hands. And within a short period of time of this I just "happen" to see a vodcast of Mark Driscoll's sermon on idolatry also. These two things really got me thinking about idolatry. May the Lord give me grace to share it.

This won't be my first trip up to Brasov this week. On Wednesday I went there to pack my stuff at my old apartment and on Thursday Jamie came from Bucuresti with the church van and Dan and we moved most of my small stuff to Bucuresti. It is all sitting in a room at the ministry building right now cause I am still living at the ministry building. Why haven't I gotten an apartment yet? Well, that will be a topic for another post next week.

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