Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What is the Gospel? Skye Jethani (43:50)

This is an excellent teaching on explaining what the gospel is and I encourage you to take the time to watch it. During this teaching Skye answers five questions:
  1. What does the word gospel actually mean?
  2. How is the gospel explained in the New Testament?
  3. How was the gospel proclaimed or preached in the New Testament?
  4. What are the implications of this?
  5. How do we respond to this gospel?
So what do you think about what Skye shared about the gospel? What are the strengths and weaknesses of his explanation of the gospel?

Related Links
How to Understand the Gospel Better
What is the Gospel? D. A. Carson
What is the Gospel? Mike Mercer
What is the Gospel? Bryan McWhite
What is the Gospel? Jonathan Pennington
What is the Gospel? Mark Stevens
What is the Gospel? Scot McKnight
What is the Gospel? Trevin Wax
The Heart of the Gospel

What is the Gospel? Darrell Bock
3-2-1: The Story of God, the World and You

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